365 Days of Christmas is keeping the spirit alive
all year to enliven your world.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Get Organized Now for Christmas - Day 18 - Crafting

Does this sound like your house . . . fabric piled high in one corner, yarn piled in a basket, soap making supplies spilling off the shelf and scrapbook supplies tower over you? Many of us purchase items to make gifts for others, yet not all of us give the gifts because we do not get around to making these special items.

Now is the time to start planning what you want to make and who to make it for. To help get a handle on your crafting for the holidays here are several steps to follow:

Examine your gift list and mark the people you think would appreciate your handmade gifts from the heart. Be honest with yourself about the people you mark -- not everyone appreciates or values the time and dedication it takes to handcraft a gift.

As you go through your supplies use two boxes to sort your craft supplies. In one box put items you want to use for this year's holiday crafts. In the other one put items you will not use. Take the second box to a senior center, day care center, public library, Girl Scout troop, or preschool where those supplies will get used. It will also clear out much needed space in your house while serving a useful service for a group who could put them to good use.

Make a list of things you would like to make for the holidays. Add this list to your notebook.

Make a list of needed items to complete each craft. Make a notation indicating which items you need to purchase and which you have on hand.

On your calendar select days to work on different crafts to ensure you have your gifts completed by the needed date. Give yourself an extra day or two in case of scheduling conflicts.

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